Protocols for the Cubs and Kittens
Let’s all work together for a safe return this weekend
Dear parents of Cubs and Kittens (born 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017),
Firstly we’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back to Cubs and Kittens football next Saturday morning, August 29, from 9.30am to 10.30am on our all-weather pitch in Kilbogget Park… strange times indeed!
Due to contact tracing and restricted numbers in the fight against COVID-19, we have had to put protocols in place to comply with government regulations in relation to sporting fixtures.
So we would ask you to arrive at the all-weather pitch this Saturday from 9.15am onwards as your son/daughter will have to be checked in re compliance with contact tracing.
As per government guidelines, only one parent/guardian may accompany a child, so for the youngest children, born during 2016 and 2017, parents/guardians will be allowed into the all-weather pitch to stand along the sideline.
Parents/guardians of children born during 2014 and 2015 must stay outside the all-weather pitch for the duration of the session. All parents/guardians must strictly observe two metres social distancing at all times.
Hand sanitisers are in place inside the all-weather pitch but we would urge parents/guardians to bring their own sanitiser and to observe strict hand hygiene measures both for themselves and their child.
It is imperative that if any child shows any symptoms of COVID-19, or flu-like symptoms or if they have been out of the country in the last fourteen days, that they do not attend football. We ask all parents to be informed of, and on the lookout for, COVID-19 symptoms.
In the meantime please look after yourselves and do take yet another minute to review the HSE Coronavirus pages, how to best protect yourself and others and, specifically, how to best wash your hands.
And, finally, despite all these government restrictions we sincerely hope that you enjoy your return to football and if you are not returning for the coming season, please let us know by calling the office on 086 831 8000 or 01-235 4343.
New members of all ages are also most welcome.
See you all next Saturday… ⚽⚽⚽
Many thanks and kind regards,
Cabinteely FC
Your co-operation will ensure that everything will work out as we all hope.